Hybrid Experiences: A Journey with Tangible Media Group
MindSpaces and MEET Digital Culture Center
Tangible Media Group (US), MEET Digital Culture Center (IT), MindSpaces (INT)
This tour takes us to Garden Cambridge, Milan and Thessaloniki, as Tangible Media Group, MEET Digital Culture Center and European project MindSpaces give us an insight into their projects working with VR, multisensing technologies and telepresence. Artists, researchers and scientists take a deep dive into their practice and unique perspectives of creating hybrid experiences between physical and digital space.
Friday Sep 11, 2020, 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm (UTC +2)
This event is part of Ars Electronica 2020.
#mindspaceseu #mindspaces #startseu #horizon2020 #science #artandtechnology #ArsElectronica2020 #arselectronica