MindSpaces in Ars Electronica 2021
MindSpaces had the chance to be part of the Ars Electronica 2021, one of the biggest new media art festivals in the world. MindSpaces presented activities related to its technologies, digital artists and artists in residency.Thessaloniki Garden hosted the MindSpaces project, funded by the European HORIZON2020-STARTS program.
MindSpaces Garden hosted a) a teaser of an upcoming exhibition showcasing the research of the Open Call artists in collaboration with the technical partners of the MindSpaces consortium b) the ZHA Workplaces.AI interactive app, which allows each user to generate their own workplace environments by manipulating design parameters to simulate how a crowd of workplace “agents” behaves within it and experience it immersively and, c) an online meet-up that will bring together the artists and architects of the MindSpaces consortium.
The live discussion recording will be available soon in MindSpaces Youtube channel.
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