Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
AUTH, Greece,
School of Architecture,
The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.) is a state institution established in 1925, under the FirstGreek Democracy and the largest university in Greece. It comprises 11 faculties which consist of 52 schools. It’sworth mentioning that A.U.Th., in the 2009-2011 period, has collaborated with 1.700 partners (Universities, Research Centers and Companies) for the implementation of 3.500 Research and Technological Development RTD. The overall budget of these projects has risen up to 150 million euros
The School of Architecture, founded in 1950, is one of the seven schools of the Faculty of engineering. The academic education, which the School is offering has as main objective to create a profile of an architect capable of coping with a broad spectrum of professional activities covering all scales of space, all levels of planning, design and re-design, that is to say from object and interior design, to building and urban design, conservation and restoration, landscape design, urban and regional planning. Τhere are five Departments at the School of Architecture: Department of Architectural Design and Visual Arts, Department of Architectural and Urban Design, Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Development, Department of History of Architecture, History of Art, Architectural Morphology and Restoration and Department of Architectural Design and Architectural Technology. A large number of staff members is involved in research projects and programs that are funded from private or public bodies in Greece and/or the European Union. The Department of Architecture encourages and fosters the initiatives of its staff to assert for such endeavors. The financial management of such projects and programs is undertaken by the Research Committee of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Numerous postgraduate and doctoral students contribute to the development of such projects and programs.
The role of School of Architecture of AUTH will support MindSpaces with its expertise on advanced design and modelling at architectural and urban scales. It will collaborate with the creative partners of the consortium, both professional office and artists, so that the related work packages are properly developed and implemented.

Anastasios Tellios
Dr.Architect, Dip. Arch. AUTh, M.Arch(Dist.) Bartlett UCL, PhDAUTh
Associate Professor, AUTH

Despoina Zavraka
Dr.Architect (Dip. Arch. Mackintosh, GSA) and Landscape architect (MLAAUTh), PhDAUTh
Assistant Professor, EMATECH

Panagiota Koulali
Architect (Dip. Arch. AUTh) and Landscape architect (MLAAUTh),
PhDCand. AUTh

Dimitrios Chatzinikolis
Architect (Dipl. Arch. AUTh)

Georgios Grigoriadis
Architect (Dipl. Arch. AUTh)