
New Publication – Emanuel Gollob


Robotics and AI -New Publication by resident artist Emanuel Gollob

MindSpaces resident artist Emanuel Gollob has published a new paper In CKGE_TMP_i Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction on February of 2021. The paper investigates the use of robotics and AI  to physically explore a space of aesthetic possibilities.

The details of the publication are:

Gollob, E., Mayer, M., Braumann, J. Using Robotics and A.I. to Physically Explore a Space of Aesthetic Possibilities: Defining a Physical Aesthetic Experience by the Targeted EEG Feedback of the Perceiver. In CKGE_TMP_i Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction CKGE_TMP_i ( CKGE_TMP_i TEI ’21 CKGE_TMP_i ). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, February 2021, Article 28, pp.1–8. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3430524.344064

You can find the paper in the link below:


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Starts in Motion 2021 – Haseeb Ahmed

"Pneuma Inside and Out" selected for S+T+ARTS IN MOTION 2021

Haseeb Ahmed is an artist in residency in the MindSpaces project. His MindSpaces project, title Pneuma Inside and Out, was selected for this year S+T+ARTS IN MOTION round.

STARTS in MOTION has been designed as a key-steps path towards art-tech projects’ empowerment. During four months, the selected teams will be mentored on critical topics such as alternative business models, private and public funding opportunities, open and sustainable innovation, intellectual property and pitching. Our mentors will help them master the business side of their creative endeavors.

Through STARTS in MOTION, we will promote a greener and more sustainable economy, turned to the people, promoting diversity and respectful to the environment. We will support artists whose critical, aesthetic and visionary perspectives push the boundaries of technology and have the potential to change the shape of the economy of the future.

Read more about the S+T+ARTS IN MOTION program in the link below:


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MindSpaces Ars Electronica 2020 Presence

MindSpaces Ars Electronica 2020 Presence


MindSpaces in Ars Electronica 2020

MindSpaces was part of the Ars Electronica Festival 2020, one of the biggest new media arts festivals in the world. As a remote and hybrid event this year, Ars Electronica consisted of various events, talks and symposiums around the world. MindSpaces consortium presented the project and its technologies during Garden Thessaloniki. MindSpaces consortium partners and artists also participated in talks and events during the festival.



Garden Thessaloniki

MindSpaces Garden hosted the MindSpaces project, funded by the European HORIZON2020-STARTS program. To encourage collaboration between research projects and artists, STARTS funded residencies for artists at technology institutions and for scientists and technologists at artists’ studios.

Ars Electronica Garden Thessaloniki hosted pre-recorded interviews of the six artists selected from the Open Calls, a pre-recorded demonstration of the MindSpaces platform, and a live demonstration of the DïaloG project held by the consortium’s digital artists Maurice Benayoun and Refik Anadol.

MindSpaces PlatformMindSpaces Residency Artists

Public Symposium: Why and how artworks feel?

A research presentation and panel discussion moderated by MindSpaces consortium partner and artist Maurice Benayoun. Key contributors to MindSpaces EU and MindSpaces HK presented their research in the framework of Horizon2020 MindSpaces/S+T+Arts research project.

Public Symposium

Hybrid Experiences: A Journey with Tangible Media Group

This tour took us to Garden Cambridge, Milan and Thessaloniki, as Tangible Media Group, MEET Digital Culture Center and European project MindSpaces gave us an insight into their projects working with VR, multi-sensing technologies and telepresence. Artists, researchers and scientists took a deep dive into their practice and unique perspectives of creating hybrid experiences between physical and digital space.
This event was a colaboration between Tangible Media Group (US), MEET Digital Culture Center (IT) and MindSpaces (INT).

Hybrid Experiences

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MindSpaces Ars Electronica 2020


An immersion in Refik Anadol's universe


"Using AI to speculate a future that belongs to all of us": An Immersion in Refik Anadol's universe

One thing sure is that Refik Anadol is incredibly talented and S+T+ARTS is very proud to count his studio as partner of MindSpaces, whose central objective is to create the tools and develop the solutions for adaptive and inclusive spaces that dynamically adapt to emotional, aesthetical and societal responses of end users, creating functionally and emotionally appealing architectural design.

Read more about the S+T+ARTS program and Refik’s work  it in the link below:

An immersion in Refik Anadol’s universe

#mindspaceseu #mindspaces #startseu #horizon2020 #innovativedesign #VertigoStarts #science #artandtechnology #RefikAnadol #mediart


Joao Martinho Moura - Medium Post


Participation in Ars Electronica 2020

Joao Martinho Moura is a media artist and an artist in residence for the MindSpaces project. In his recent Medium post he showcases his participation in Ars Electronica Festival 2020. Read more about it in the link below:

Participation in Ars Electronica 2020 | Joao Martinho Moura

#mindspaceseu #mindspaces #startseu #horizon2020 #innovativedesign#VertigoStarts #science #artandtechnology #residency #ArsElectronica2020 #JoaoMartinhoMoura #mediart


Refik Anadol - TED talk 2020


Art in the age of machine intelligence

Refik Anadol offers radical visualizations of digitized memories and expands the possibilities of architecture, narrative and the body in motion. Refik is one of the media artists and a consortium partner of MindSpaces.

He recently gave a TED talk presenting his work and vision. Watch the talk in the link below!

#mindspaceseu #mindspaces #startseu #horizon2020 #innovativedesign#VertigoStarts #science #artandtechnology #TEDtalk #TED2020 #RefikAnadol #mediart

Refik Anadol TED talk 2020


MindSpaces - Ars Electronica 2020


MindSpaces - Ars Electronica 2020 Participation

Ars Electronica is one of the biggest new media art festivals in the world. Due to the pandemic, this year’s Ars Electronica Festival will be held virtually and in a hybrid model. MindSpaces will be part of Ars Electronica Festival of 2020 with activities related to its technologies, digital artists and artists in residency. MindSpaces will host its own Garden under the title Garden Thessaloniki. Find more information on the  MindSpaces Ars Electronica 2020 page.

#mindspaceseu #mindspaces #opencall #startseu #mindspaceseu #horizon2020 #innovativedesign#VertigoStarts #science #artandtechnology #arselectronica2020 #gardenthessaloniki

MindSpaces Ars Electronica 2020

Mindspaces second Open Call results

Second Open Call Announcement

Mindspaces second Open Call results

Mindspaces second Open Call results

We are very pleased to announce the four winners of the second artists Open Call of MindSpaces! Congratulations to the winners and special thanks to everyone who submitted and participated in the second Open call of the project!

The winners of the second open call are:

Emanuel Gollob
Emmanuel Van der Auwera
João Martinho Moura
Michael Sedbon


More information on the artists and proposals coming soon.

#mindspaceseu #mindspaces #opencall #startseu #mindspaceseu #horizon2020 #innovativedesign#VertigoStarts #science #artandtechnology