Refik Anadol - TED talk 2020

Art in the age of machine intelligence
Refik Anadol offers radical visualizations of digitized memories and expands the possibilities of architecture, narrative and the body in motion. Refik is one of the media artists and a consortium partner of MindSpaces.
He recently gave a TED talk presenting his work and vision. Watch the talk in the link below!
#mindspaceseu #mindspaces #startseu #horizon2020 #innovativedesign#VertigoStarts #science #artandtechnology #TEDtalk #TED2020 #RefikAnadol #mediart
MindSpaces - Ars Electronica 2020

MindSpaces - Ars Electronica 2020 Participation
#mindspaceseu #mindspaces #opencall #startseu #mindspaceseu #horizon2020 #innovativedesign#VertigoStarts #science #artandtechnology #arselectronica2020 #gardenthessaloniki
Second Open Call Announcement

Mindspaces second Open Call results
The winners of the second open call are:
More information on the artists and proposals coming soon.
#mindspaceseu #mindspaces #opencall #startseu #mindspaceseu #horizon2020 #innovativedesign#VertigoStarts #science #artandtechnology
Haseeb Ahmed / Science Gallery Venice Earth Water Sky residency programme

Haseeb Ahmed wins Science Gallery Venice Earth Water Sky residency programme
We are pleased to announce that MindSpaces artist in residence Haseeb Ahmed has won the three year Science Gallery Venice Earth Water Sky residency programme funded by Martine et Didier Primat Foundation.
March 2020
Congratulations Haseeb! Looking forward for interesting projects.
You can find more information about the residency at HERE
For more about Haseeb Ahmed’s work please see his website
#haseebahmed #startseu #mindspaceseu #horizon2020 #innovativedesign #VertigoStarts #science #artandtechnology
Jury meeting / 2nd Open Call for artists

Jury meeting / 2nd Open Call for artists
MindSpaces 2nd Open Call for artists / Jury meeting
Athens, Greece
31 January 2020
Results will be announced soon. Stay tuned.
#startseu #mindspaceseu #horizon2020 #innovativedesign #VertigoStarts #science #artandtechnology
Second Plenary Meeting of MindSpaces

MindSpaces Second Plenary Meeting
MindSpaces 2nd Plenary meeting
Athens, Greece
29-31 January 2020
MindSpaces consortium partners had the chance to discuss and make progress during the 2nd plenary meeting of the project in Athens, Greece.
STARTS #startse #startseu #mindspaceseu #horizon2020 #innovativedesign #VertigoStarts #science #artandtechnology
Second Open Call Completed

MindSpaces Second Open Call Completed
STARTS #startse #startseu #mindspaceseu #horizon2020 #innovativedesign #VertigoStarts #science #artandtechnology
2nd Open Call for Artists. LAST DAY TO APPLY

MindSpaces Second Open Call. LAST DAY TO APPLY
STARTS #startse #startseu #mindspaceseu #horizon2020 #innovativedesign #VertigoStarts #science #artandtechnology
MindSpaces at S+T+ARTS Talks in Genova

MindSpaces at S+T+ARTS Talks in Genova
A showcase demonstration of the Inspiring Workplaces use case (PUC2) of MindSpaces project, a brief overall presentation, its concepts, goals, and technologies were presented at S+T+Arts talk in Genova. During the live demo the interior of an office, experienced in VR, was changing according to users’ emotions.…/starts-talks-at-festival-de…/detail/
STARTS #startse #startseu #mindspaceseu #horizon2020 #innovativedesign #VertigoStarts #science #artandtechnology
Mindspaces Publication / Horizon Magazine

Mindspaces Publication / Horizon Magazine