MindSpaces Resident Artists
MindSpaces (INT), University of Maastricht (MU), Eina Idea (ES)
Teaser video
MindSpaces resident artists translate and present their residency research into virtual experiences to be hosted at Sonar+D festival in October. The proposed content of the exhibition will feature MindSpaces resident artists in a virtual game-like experience. The artists’ current research is being translated into a digital environment while inscribing them in a broader discussion on urban life and emotional engagement. Through this exhibition, MindSpaces articulate some key elements of the project into a different narrative and discussion context. Artists-in-residence: Haseeb Ahmed (US), Sarah Derat (FR), Emanuel Gollob (AT), Emmanuel Van der Auwera (BE), João Martinho Moura (PT), Michael Sedbon (FR)
MindSpaces Resident Artists
MindSpaces Consortium
Centre for Research and Technology, Hellas, University of Maastricht, Pompeu Fabra University, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, McNeel Europe SL, Up2Metric, Nurogames,Zaha Hadid Architects, Maurice Benayoun, Analog Native , Espronceda, e-Sèniors, The town of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat,The university of Hong Kong)
Maurice Benayoun
Refik Anadol
Artists in residency
Haseeb Ahmed, Sarah Derat, Emanuel Gollob, Emmanuel Van der Auwera, João Martinho Moura, Michael Sedbon